DRACHMA        by            ECLECTIC HARVEST LLC.
Contact Information
Email :
Phone :
914-305-4585 Fax.203-286-1451
Address :
P.O. BOX   628
WELCOME !     to the new - drachma.us  -  website.
A new page will be available soon!

         Some info. about us.

We are Importers and Distributors of Superior Quality and Organic Edible Products, ranging from,Olives, Olive Oil and it's Derivatives to Fresh Fish.

Our online store is coming soon! In the meantime,
call or email us for orders or for a catalog.


           " DRACHMA IS ALIVE....."

( The name Drachma is derived from the verb dratto, "to grasp". Initially a drachma was a fistful (a "grasp") of six oboloi, sticks of metal used as currency as early as 1100 BC )
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